Currents Parameters

This document lists the parameters for various types of Currents activity events. You can retrieve these events by calling EntityUsageReports.get() with parameters=gplus_communities:PARAMETER.

To retrieve a report on Currents communities, use gplus_communities as the value for entityType. For communities restricted to your organization, the entityKey can be found in the URL of the Community on Currents. For example, the URL of the Currents Help community is In this example, the entityKey is "115758385206378551362". The same value is returned in the entityId field of the response.

When using all as the entityKey, communities outside your organization are shown in this report if one of the owners is a member of your organization. However, the community name of these instances is empty, and you can't use the entityId returned in the response to generate a link to the community. You can still use the entityId as the entityKey in further requests.


Name Type Description
community_name string The display name of community.
creation_time_usec integer The timestamp of when the community was created.
num_30day_active_external_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 30 days who are not members of the domain.
num_30day_active_internal_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 30 days who are also members of the domain.
num_30day_active_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 30 days.
num_30day_new_members integer The number of new members in the community in the past 30 days.
num_30day_plusones integer The number of likes in the community in the past 30 days.
num_30day_replies integer The number of comments in the community in the past 30 days.
num_30day_shares integer The number of posts in the community in the past 30 days.
num_7day_active_external_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 7 days who are not members of the domain.
num_7day_active_internal_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 7 days who are also members of the domain.
num_7day_active_members integer The number of active members in the community in the past 7 days.
num_7day_new_members integer The number of new members in the community in the past 7 days.
num_7day_plusones integer The number of likes in the community in the past 7 days.
num_7day_replies integer The number of comments in the community in the past 7 days.
num_7day_shares integer The number of posts in the community in the past 7 days.
num_90day_new_members integer The number of new members in the community in the past 90 days.
num_90day_plusones integer The number of likes in the community in the past 90 days.
num_90day_replies integer The number of comments in the community in the past 90 days.
num_90day_shares integer The number of posts in the community in the past 90 days.
num_external_members integer The number of members in the community who are not members of the domain.
num_internal_members integer The number of members in the community who are members of the domain.
num_total_members integer The total number of members in the community.
visibility string The privacy type of community.