Method: provideValidationFeedback

Feedback about the outcome of the sequence of validation attempts. This should be the last call made after a sequence of validation calls for the same address, and should be called once the transaction is concluded. This should only be sent once for the sequence of v1.validateAddress requests needed to validate an address fully.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "conclusion": enum (ValidationConclusion),
  "responseId": string

enum (ValidationConclusion)

Required. The outcome of the sequence of validation attempts.

If this field is set to VALIDATION_CONCLUSION_UNSPECIFIED, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned.



Required. The ID of the response that this feedback is for. This should be the [responseId][google.maps.addressvalidation.v1.ValidateAddressRequest.response_id] from the first response in a series of address validation attempts.

Response body

If successful, the response body is empty.


The possible final outcomes of the sequence of address validation requests needed to validate an address.

VALIDATION_CONCLUSION_UNSPECIFIED This value is unused. If the ProvideValidationFeedbackRequest.conclusion field is set to VALIDATION_CONCLUSION_UNSPECIFIED, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error will be returned.
VALIDATED_VERSION_USED The version of the address returned by the Address Validation API was used for the transaction.
USER_VERSION_USED The version of the address provided by the user was used for the transaction
UNVALIDATED_VERSION_USED A version of the address that was entered after the last validation attempt but that was not re-validated was used for the transaction.
UNUSED The transaction was abandoned and the address was not used.