Method: providers.vehicles.create

Instantiates a new vehicle associated with an on-demand rideshare or deliveries provider. Each Vehicle must have a unique vehicle ID.

The following Vehicle fields are required when creating a Vehicle:

  • vehicleState
  • supportedTripTypes
  • maximumCapacity
  • vehicleType

The following Vehicle fields are ignored when creating a Vehicle:

  • name
  • currentTrips
  • availableCapacity
  • currentRouteSegment
  • currentRouteSegmentEndPoint
  • currentRouteSegmentVersion
  • currentRouteSegmentTraffic
  • route
  • waypoints
  • waypointsVersion
  • remainingDistanceMeters
  • remainingTimeSeconds
  • eta_to_next_waypoint
  • navigationStatus

All other fields are optional and used if provided.

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. Must be in the format providers/{provider}. The provider must be the Project ID (for example, sample-cloud-project) of the Google Cloud Project of which the service account making this call is a member.

Query parameters


object (RequestHeader)

The standard Fleet Engine request header.



Required. Unique Vehicle ID. Subject to the following restrictions:

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.

Request body

The request body contains an instance of Vehicle.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains a newly created instance of Vehicle.