Manage media items

In addition to accessing and retrieving media items after you upload them, you can also change their descriptions.

Required authorization scope

Changing descriptions of app-created content requires the photoslibrary.edit.appcreateddata scope. For more information on scopes, see Authorization scopes.

Changing media item descriptions

To change a media item's description, make a media items update call with the identifier of the media item, and include the new description in the request.

To change a media item's description, your app must have uploaded the media item, and the currently authenticated user must be the owner. Descriptions can be no more than 1,000 characters in length.


Here's a PATCH request header to update a media item description:


This request determines what properties are being updated by including a field mask, indicated by the updateMask parameter in the URL.

Include the new description in the body of the request:

  "description": "new-media-item-description"

If successful, the response returns the updated media item:

  "id": "media-item-id",
  "description": "new-media-item-description",
  "productUrl": "media-item-product-url",
  "baseUrl": "media-items-in-album",
  "mimeType": "mime-type-of-media",
  "mediaMetadata": {
  "contributorInfo": {
  "fileName": "item-filename"