Basic reading

The Google Slides API lets you read presentation, page, and page element data. The examples on this page show how to perform common read operations using both the presentations.get and presentations.pages.get methods.

These examples use the following placeholders:

  • PRESENTATION_ID—Indicates where you provide the presentation ID. You can discover the value for this ID from the presentation URL.
  • PAGE_ID—Indicates where you provide the page object ID. You can retrieve the value for this from the URL or by using an API read request.

These examples are presented as HTTP requests to be language neutral. The examples read from this example presentation, that has 1EAYk18WDjIG-zp_0vLm3CsfQh_i8eXc67Jo2O9C6Vuc as its PRESENTATION_ID. The PAGE_ID of the first slide in this presentation is ge63a4b4_1_0.

The examples here use field masks to only return specific requested information about the presentation, slide, and page element. Using field masks also improves performance.

Read slide object IDs

The following presentations.get code sample shows how to retrieve a list of all the slide object IDs from the presentation. The IDs are returned in the slide presentation order, and can be used to indicate specific slides in subsequent API requests. You can get the object IDs of master and layout pages the same way, using fields=masters.objectId and fields=layout.objectId.

The following is the request protocol to read slide object IDs:


The response consists of a Presentation object containing the object IDs requested:

  "slides": [
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_0"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_9"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_23"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_35"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_43"

Read element object IDs from a page

The following presentations.pages.get code sample shows how to retrieve a list of object IDs for all the page elements on a page.

The following is the request protocol to read element object IDs from a page:


The response consists of a Page object containing the object IDs requested:

  "pageElements": [
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_5"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_6"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_7"
      "objectId": "ge63a4b4_1_8"

Read shape elements from a page

The following presentations.pages.get code sample shows how to retrieve a list of all Shapes on a page. You can retrieve other PageElement kinds by specifying them using the fields parameter. For example, fields=pageElements(line,table) only returns information about line and table page elements, if any are present on the page.

The following is the request protocol to read shape elements from a page:


The response consists of a Page object containing the shape elements requested. The empty braces indicate page elements that are not of the shape type; in this case, they're image page elements.

  "pageElements": [
      "shape": {
        "shapeProperties" {
          "outline" {
            "dashStyle": "SOLID",
            "outlineFill": {
              "solidFill": {
                "alpha": 1,
                "color": {
                  "rgbColor": {}
            "propertyState": "NOT_RENDERED",
            "weight": {
              "magnitude": 9525,
              "unit": "EMU"
          "shadow": {
            "alignment": "BOTTOM_LEFT",
            "alpha": 1,
            "blurRadius": {
              "unit": "EMU"
            "color": {
              "rgbColor": {}
            "propertyState": "NOT_RENDERED",
            "rotateWithShape": false,
            "transform": {
              "scaleX": 1,
              "scaleY": 1,
              "unit": "EMU"
            "type": "OUTER"
          "shapeBackgroundFill" : {
            "propertyState": "NOT_RENDERED",
            "solidFill": {
              "alpha": 1,
              "color": {
                "rgbColor: {
                  "blue": 1,
                  "green": 1,
                  "red": 1
        "shapeType": "TEXT_BOX",
        "text": {
          "textElements": [
              "endIndex": 11,
              "paragraphMarker": {
                "style": {
                  "alignment": "START",
                  "direction": "LEFT_TO_RIGHT",
                  "indentEnd": {
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "indentFirstLine": {
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "indentStart": {
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "lineSpacing": 100,
                  "spaceAbove": {
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "spaceBelow": {
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "spacingMode": "COLLAPSE_LISTS"
              "endIndex": 11,
              "textRun": {
                "content": "Baby Album\n",
                "style": {
                  "backgroundColor": {},
                  "baselineOffset": "NONE",
                  "bold": false,
                  "fontFamily": "Arial",
                  "fontSize": {
                    "magnitude": 14,
                    "unit": "PT"
                  "foregroundColor": {
                    "opaqueColor": {
                      "rgbColor": {}
                  "italic": false,
                  "smallCaps": false,
                  "strikethrough": false,
                  "underline": false