Implementation: Channels

This page explains how to use the YouTube Data API (v3) to perform functions related to retrieving and updating channel data. A channel resource includes playlist IDs that identify a channel's uploaded and liked videos. To fetch this information when calling the channels.list method, make sure the part parameter value includes the contentDetails resource part.

Retrieve information about a channel

Call the channels.list method to retrieve information about a particular channel. There are a few ways to identify the channel:

Set a channel's branding information

This example updates a channel's branding options. The example has two steps:

  • Step 1: Retrieve the channel's branding options

    Call the channels.list method and set the part parameter value to brandingSettings and the mine parameter value to true.

    Your application could display the retrieved settings, allowing the user to modify the settings to update.

  • Step 2: Update the channel's branding options

    Call the channels.list method and set the following values:

    • Set the id property to the channel's unique YouTube channel ID. The ID can be extracted from the API response in step 1.
    • Set the part parameter value to brandingSettings.

    The link to the API Explorer below creates a channel resource with the following branding settings:

      "id": "CHANNEL_ID",
      "brandingSettings": {
        "channel": {
          "description": "A great channel to be enjoyed by all.",
          "moderateComments": true,
          "showRelatedChannels": true,
          "showBrowseView": true,
          "featuredChannelsTitle": "Featured Channel Stuff",
          "featuredChannelsUrls": [
          "profileColor": "#006600"

    To complete the request in the APIs Explorer, you need to set the id property's value to the channel ID of the authenticated user's channel. You should also set the image properties to match your current settings.

Manage channel sections

The API supports the channelSections.list, channelSections.insert, channelSections.update, and channelSections.delete methods for managing channel sections. A channel section is a set of videos that are featured on a channel. For example, a section could include a channel's latest uploads, most popular uploads, or videos from one or more playlists.

The example below retrieves the channel sections for Google's official YouTube channel. The request calls the channelSections.list method and sets the channelId parameter value to UCK8sQmJBp8GCxrOtXWBpyEA, which is the channel ID for Google's channel.

This request requires authorization if, instead of using the channelId parameter, you set the mine parameter value to true. That parameter indicates that you are retrieving channel sections for the currently authenticated user's channel.

Upload and set a watermark image for a channel

You can call the watermarks.set method to upload a watermark image and set it for a channel. The image then displays during playbacks of the specified channel's videos. You can also specify a target channel to which the image will link as well as timing details that determine when the watermark appears and how long it is visible.

The watermarks.unset method deletes a channel's watermark image.

Unfortunately, this query cannot be tested using the APIs Explorer because the APIs Explorer does not support the ability to upload media files, which is a requirement for this method.